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Osmium price (EUR, USD & CHF), chart, exchange rate & performance

In this article, you will learn why pricing osmium is so difficult and how it differs from other assets on the stock market.

Why is no “real” price trend available? There is a particular reason for this, which has to do with pricing in the osmium market, which is explained in detail in this article.

  • The current price of osmium in EUR is 800,00 € and 825,08 $ in USD. The figures refer to crystallized, cut osmium per gram.
  • For unprocessed osmium crystals, the current price per gram in EUR is 300,00 € and 314,41 $ in EUR.
  • For 1 ounce of osmium down to 1 gram, the current price of osmium is 45,00 € in EUR and 47,16 $ in USD.

These prices refer to the prices of MetaMetals. Find out below why we explicitly do not refer to a “market price” in connection with Osmium.

➜ Note: MetaMetals sells high-quality osmium crystals and osmium bars. Discover now!

The price of osmium, a rare and dense metal of the platinum group, is a complex issue that is not quite as easy to deal with as with other assets. If we take a precious metal such as gold as an example, its price is influenced by various factors such as market supply, demand or geopolitical events. The price is then usually expressed in the major leading currencies on the global market such as the US dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), the yen, but also other currencies such as the Swiss franc (CHF) or the British pound (GBP).

In principle, this also applies to precious metals such as osmium, but with a special characteristic: there is still no "market price" for osmium in the classic sense, as we may know it from other assets and investments. It is absolutely correct that the rarity and other properties of osmium play a major role in pricing. The rarity of the precious metal is due, among other things, to the complex production and processing methods. However, as there is not yet a liquid exchange market, the price of osmium is currently still primarily determined by the dealers on the market, but not by supply and demand from traders or investors, as it is the case with other financial products such as gold, for example.

Osmium spot price

The spot price, also known as the spot price, is a term that comes from the world of finance and describes the current market price of an asset or commodity, in this case osmium, for immediate purchase or delivery.

This contrasts with forward contracts/futures, for example, which attempt to reflect a fair price in the future. When trading osmium and other precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum or palladium, the spot price therefore reflects the current market conditions resulting from supply and demand. However, it is primarily institutional traders who are currently active on the osmium spot market. It is therefore not yet like many other precious metals, where private traders or investors are also involved in trading the asset.

Osmium price & chart

The price of an asset, often presented in the form of charts, shows the price development over a certain period of time. These charts are important for investors and analysts as well as private investors to recognize trends and patterns in the price behavior of an asset. The price can be influenced by various factors, including availability on the market, technological advances in extraction and processing, and changes in demand for related products in various industries. In the case of osmium, for example, this would apply to the medical sector, alloys or jewelry production. As osmium is not priced in the same way as other financial products, the charts and price trends that can be found online for this rare precious metal usually reflect the historical prices of a specific dealer, but not the price trend of a classic market price.

Historical increase in value and performance of osmium

Osmium has a much more recent price history than other precious metals such as gold. This is due to the fact that osmium was discovered in dissolved platinum by Smithson Tennant in 1804.

Over the following years, prices for osmium have slowly developed on the market, which are shown in a historical chart. As previously mentioned, however, these are not trading prices between investors, but the price development of individual dealers who sell osmium. Even though there is not yet a market for exchange-traded osmium, some precious metal experts are watching this performance with interest, as it is certainly one of the most exciting precious metals of modern times.

The value of osmium could actually increase in the future through further use by various industries. Further establishment of osmium as an investment for investors (for example as osmium bars or osmium crystals) could also have a positive impact on the future price of osmium. As osmium jewelry is becoming increasingly popular, this could also have positive effects on the performance of osmium. Of course, it should be noted at this point that this is currently still speculation, as osmium is not yet tradable on the stock exchange (find out more about Osmium-ETFs) and, as with any investment, prices can go up or down.

The price (dealer price) of osmium is considered volatile

The price of osmium can fluctuate greatly due to its rarity and complex extraction methods and is therefore considered volatile. This effect could become all the more apparent as soon as osmium is tradable on the stock exchange.

Volatility is a statistical measure that indicates how much the price of, for example, an asset on the stock exchange, in this case osmium, deviates from the average price within a certain observation period.

When something is described as "volatile" in the financial world, it can be both positive and negative at the same time. High volatility implies greater uncertainty and risk in the market on the one hand, but on the other hand it can also mean opportunities for investors and market participants in general.

Osmium: Difference between price and value and intrinsic value of the precious metal

The price of a precious metal and any other tradable asset can sometimes differ significantly from its value on an exchange. Depending on whether one subscribes to the theory of efficient markets (market efficiency hypothesis), this is more or less the case. The price and value of a financial product can therefore differ, which in some cases can lead to a favorable buying opportunity for investors.

What is also interesting in this context is the concept of intrinsic value. The intrinsic value of an asset such as osmium can be viewed from two angles. On the one hand, some investors argue that nothing in the world has intrinsic value, as everything is a subjective matter and therefore cannot contain value in and of itself. The other side sees intrinsic value in a precious metal such as osmium because, objectively speaking, it is used in the medical sector or by the jewelry industry, for example, where it undoubtedly creates value. However, how high this value is assessed and whether the current price of osmium will reflect this value as soon as osmium is traded on the stock exchange like other precious metals currently remains a question of speculation and discussions about forecasts for osmium.

Price differences between raw osmium and crystallized osmium

When buyers look for osmium on the internet, they will come across various forms of osmium, which have a wide price range. Raw osmium in powder form, for example, is very inexpensive and costs in the lower double-digit euro range per gram. This is because raw osmium is unprocessed and is considered toxic. Osmium, on the other hand, which is interesting for jewelry production but also for many investors, is available in processed or crystallized form. In contrast to raw osmium, crystallized osmium is considered harmless to health and has a much higher price than raw osmium due to its complex processing. It is therefore important to bear this in mind when comparing osmium prices online.

What is the price of 1 gram (1g) of osmium?

The price of 1 gram (1g) of osmium for the end customer depends primarily on the form in which the osmium is available. The prices for osmium in non-toxic form, can be found on our MetaMetals-website. As with other precious metals, there is no fixed price for osmium. Rather, it depends on supply and demand as well as other factors.

How much does 1 ounce (oz) of osmium cost?

In precious metal markets an ounce always refers to a "troy ounce" which weighs 31.10 grams. The ounce is a unit of measurement that is primarily known in the United States, but is also sometimes used in Europe. Many investors are probably familiar with the ounce as a unit of measurement, particularly from the world of precious metals and, in particular, gold. Due to the dynamic price of (sintered) osmium, which can change constantly due to supply and demand, there is no "fixed" price per ounce here either. Important: Interested buyers should only compare the prices per ounce of osmium with equivalent osmium. For example, osmium in processed and sintered form (e.g. as bars) should only be compared with osmium in sintered form.