Meta Metals Learncenter

Is osmium toxic? Read more
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Iridium: A Unique Metal with Extraordinary Properties

Iridium is a unique metal with extraordinary properties. It is one of the rarest and densest elements on Earth and finds application in aerospace, jewelry manufacturing, and more.

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Osmium price (EUR, USD & CHF), chart, exchange rate & performance

In this article, you will learn why pricing osmium is so difficult and how it differs from other assets on the stock market.

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NFT Designs

MetaMetals is working on NFT designs for crystallized osmium. Feel free to follow us and give us feedback. If you're a MetaMetals owner, your voice will be especially heard. 

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MetaMetals introduces an approach which benefits holders an prioritizes physical assets instead of structures around it. Commodity NFTs make it possible for many projects to completely get rid of ICOs or Web2 structures and therefore put its assets into the center of attention.

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PM collection

MetaMetals offers a full set of all eight precious metals bars in one case.
The different elements only differ in their thickness, which makes it possible to make the difference in density visible.

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Commodity NFTs

MetaMetals introduces a new category of NFTs which makes it possible to redeem and onboard physical precious metal crystals and physical precious metal bars. This brings many advantages: Tradeability, onchain integrations and demand.

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What is osmium (Os)? An overview of the rarest and densest precious metal in the world

When most people think of rare precious metals, they first think of gold, silver or platinum. However, the rarest and densest precious metal is osmium.

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Web3 Support

MetaMetals offers Web3 Ethereum payments as innovative feature. It's possible to simply order and make a payment with a browser integrated wallet.

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MetaMetals products come in different packaging methods.

Crystals of a certain size, for example, are poured into a gel. Precious metal bars and small precious metal crystals are placed in a frame (floating frame).

Especially the removable gel packaging is an interesting new method to seal precious metals crystals at a certain weight.

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Certificates of Authenticity

Certificates of authenticity help owners to check the legitimacy of their product and also offer them an important tool for reselling. Certificates of authenticity can be accessed online and they are digitally signed.

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Precious Metal Crystallization

Precious metal crystallization is the supreme discipline of precious metal processing. Astonishing results can be achieved by using chemical vapour transport.

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